Saturday, December 12, 2009
dry shampoo

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So I went to my local co-op today and I decided I would try out Alba TerraTints. I'm really weary of anything that describes itself as a tinted lip gloss because it usually doesn't have enough color to show up. My lips are kind of dark already, so this happens a lot. But I was pleasantly surprised with the shade they call "Blaze". This stuff feels good on, makes your lips tingle, its really smooth, has SPF 8, %70 organic, and it looks great! It smells like glycerin soap. Lovely. And it was only $3.99.
Friday, November 13, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My picks

Hands: Neutrogena Hand Cream works the best for me. It goes on pretty thick and doesn't absorb right away. However, it will stay on after multiple hand washings and my hands are always back to being soft after wearing this to bed.
Hair: Infusium 23's Frizzologie line is hard to find, but really does the job for protecting hair as it gets colder...and all year round but especially in winter when hair can get really dry.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Fall II

With a recent post about Fall I started thinking about my favorite cold-weather products which I would have a difficult time living without.
Friday, September 25, 2009

Metallics and shimmers are big again. I'm a Nars fan and I love their Indian Summer Duo Eyeshadow color. Also, the Brumes duo looks good if you want something a little darker and not metallic.

Nars has also made me want to break out of my OPI rut. Check out their new Tokaido Express Nail Polish. Apparently it's named after Japan's most popular high-speed rail route. It's a great color and a part of the purple trend.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Burt's Bees

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thanks for having me!

I am very excited to be a part of this blog. How perfect, I thought, for my first entry to be about a product that my dear friend Susan introduced to me more than a decade ago. I'm talking about Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. Queen Helene is one of those brands that doesn't try to get you with the flashy container. Its also one of those brands that you wonder where the frick they came from because it isn't owned by Proctor and Gamble. Trust me, you don't want to know how much stuff that company makes thats not only in your bathroom-but everywhere else too. If you're interested.
Anywayz, if you have any consistent form of acne, or great skin, this mask is nice. It has sulfur, which helps dry up pimples and make pores look smaller. It also smells great, looks great on your face for some reason, but watch out-it can sting a little, especially if your face is dry.
What's funny about this product too, is that its all-natural. You'll see it in Whole Foods (with a jacked up price) but you can usually find it at any drugstore. Outside of drugstores, its less expensive. You used to be able to get it wherever they sell skin care products, but lately it can be a little harder to find. Some of the Queen's other products can be hit or miss. But this one has been in my bathroom for years.
p.s. And of course you get 33% more, free!!! (Come on, they're not fooling anyone with this. Its been on the tube for ten years.)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Without question my favorite candles are Root candles. I have been saving a back-up supply of about 8 candles for the past 2 years now since my last visit to Medina, Ohio. Patchouli is my favorite, and also the strongest scent so I've been loving the effect it has on my place. But I'm running out!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I've been thinking about making a big Root candle order online to re-stock my supply, but the website I went to this morning is not the old Root I know. They've made it hard to find the basic candles I love and they're calling all the basic candles scents "Legacy" candles now. What the...? Lame. But I'll probably still order in a few months if I see some improvement from them.
I'm not willing to give up on Root just yet, but I'm in the market for new brands. The Capri Blue line at Anthropologie is good, but I don't like to burn them all the time because they can be a little too sweet sometimes - like when you're eating. They're more of an after-dinner, watching HGTV candle.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Late Summer/Early Fall Nails


Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Correspondent
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
White Eyeliner Doesn't Go With Everything
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Just some thoughts on nailpolish...

Yesterday, I was watching a segment on the CBS Early Show called "Summer Looks that Pop" The one item in particular that caught my attention was the "minx coat manicure." It's kind of

Also, as I was walking around DC last week looking for apartments, my feet started to really hurt after hours of walking in my fashionable sandals. So, I found a place called Toe Tally Nails and figured, what the heck, might as well get a manicure/pedicure to cap the day. I was going for a 4th of July theme, but almost regretted it when I looked at the girl next to me who just had her toes done in OPI's Koala Berry. It looked really great! Next time I go in for a pedicure, I will definitely get this color!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Most Improved Award: Duane Reade on 91st/1st

Well, as promised, I would like to introduce one of the nicest "improved" Duane Reade's out there - the DR on 91st & 1st! Right under my building! Now I won't have to walk up the hill on a rainy day that we happen to run out of trash bags. Or a morning when I run out of toothpaste. It's great! It's just right there!
Background: When the crane came crashing down on the Electra in May 2008, the Duane Reade drugstore below my building got caught up in the destruction. So much so, that they didn't reopen until last month - a year later! I've seen housing developments go up faster. I suppose the heads of development and design decided that this Duane Reade was just going to get the make-over that several others in Manhattan have recently undergone. You know, since the old logo version of the sign was crunched anyway, they must have thought - "Hey! Perfect time to renovate!"
There are a lot of things I like about this new DR (the layout is not one of them). I like that you can buy frozen dinners and have a wide variety of snacks. The product shelves are pristine and fully stocked with even more selection than I'm used to. They also have a unique shopping carrier that I've never seen before - a basket with wheels on the bottom and an extra long handle, so you can tote it around like a small suitcase on wheels. What will they think of next?
So anyway, if you're ever in the area of 91st & 1st, swing by and check it out. I think you will be impressed.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
It's that special day of the year.....the American Idol finale!
N e wayz...the other day I needed some new toothpaste. I've been really loving Colgate's toothpaste/mouthwash combo lately so my eye was immediately drawn to these stand-alone tubes sitting in a dark aisle in the Duane Reade by my work. I scanned the shelf for the toothpaste I've been planning to buy (Electic Mint) but was sidetracked by this special edition (please note the selection in Duane Reade was sparse on this particular day) - Colgate Pop Stars w/ star-shaped breath strips - mild mint flavored. At first I questioned whether or not it was a kids product and then I decided 'tis the season of pop stars, so - why not!?
After reviewing the product online, it appears I did buy a kids product... But my only real problem is that the mild mint is sooo mild that it doesn't deliver that kick I'm looking for after a brushing session. It's just kinda ehh. Kind of like Kris Allen . Cute packaging, but doesn't deliver where I need it to.
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Vicky Has Her Cake, And Wears It Too
Dove, I have used Dove products since I was a kid. My mom kind of brain washed me into thinking it is the best soap. Never questioned it. So now I even use the hair spray.
What haircare products do you swear by? Aquage Beyond Shine
What product are you curious about but haven't purchased yet? What's stopping you?
Fekkai hair products. Too expensive and most of the time I just buy the same Nexxus shampoo/conditioner at target.

Hmm, this is a tough one because I know it could go terribly wrong. I am going to go with J.Lo she inspired me to try bronzer for the first time. Perhaps also Jessica Alba.
Approximately four different lip glosses. Including plumping lip gloss and chapstick.
Maybe ask me again when I am 39. I have a fear of shots and surgery.
Well, I wander around until I see eyemakeup or lip plumper. Bright colors and shiny stuff attract me too.
No matter how pretty you think you are everyone can use a little eyeliner. Also, do your makeup after you do your hair (so you don't sweat off your makeup because that is gross).
Lipstick. Pretty much every color I have ever bought has gone terribly wrong. I stick to gloss but every once and a while I think... well red lips could be fun? No.
Vanilla or coconut. Also food scents, for some reason I like smelling like a cupcake.

1. Mascara (black) If worse comes to worse you could always blend this for a smokey eye look perhaps? Like a makeup McGyver.
2. Concealer (for poor complexion days on the island)
3. Nexxus shampoo
4. Nexxus Keraphix conditioner
5. Aquage beyond shine
Probably none. Not really that important to me. I don't really believe products are truly "natural/organic." It is probably more of a marketing tool to mark the price up. I am sure chemicals go into all this stuff lets not kid ourselves.
Neutrogena lip therapy stuff. Or when in doubt lip smackers.
Hmm, I have never bought a GAP perfume so I will have to update this later if I do?
Yay to whitening stuff. I drink a ton of coffee. So I bought the target brand whitening strips. I don't follow the instructions on the box. I only use them sporadically.
What was your favorite scent in middle school?
Oh this is a toughy. I switched between a bunch of Victoria's Secret/Bath and Body Works scents. I feel like there was 4 solid years of birthdays where 2/3rds of my gifts were body sprays. I feel like Plumeria was a biggy.
Bonne Bell chapstick - which flavor is best?
This is like Sophie's Choice. Birthday flavored. Love smelling like desserts.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Boi-ing! It's Winnie!

Would you ever consider Botox or other cosmetic surgery enhancers?
What perfume do you consider your signature scent?
At Sephora, what kiosk do you go to first? Which one do you always avoid?
What's one make-up tip you find yourself using every day?
You are lured by the fruity oil scent drifting from your local Body Shop. Then after making a $12 purchase, the cashier says, "You get a shower gel for free!" - Which one do you pick?
Sometimes I worry about this stuff, but usually not enough to change my habit. Tom's of Maine makes good deodorant that feels less carcinogenic (maybe this is psychological but i don't know), and it's always a treat to go through the Whole Body section of Whole Foods.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Cargo blu-ray Lip Gloss

Friday, April 10, 2009
Danny Tanner's Favorite Time of Year...Spring Cleaning!

Perhaps one of my favorite inventions of all time is the disinfecting wipe. I realize that a "wipe" is nothing new, since they have been used on babies for decades; But I really think Clorox popularized another use for this strong but soggy disinfecting napkin. And, they even made it acceptable to be seen out in the open with their new designs. Combine this with their lavender scented edition, and I'm sold. Admittedly, it's not very close to the traditional lavender scent, but that doesn't make it less pleasant. I actually find that it attracts mass appeal (since lavender walks the line of fresh/old lady scent). So my point is, if you just want to quickly touch up your bathroom with a fresh floral-scented disinfectant, try this scent! Great for spring cleaning.
Don't get me wrong, Lysol wipes are great, too! They just don't have lavender.
What are some of your favorite cleaning products? We'd love to know!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Oil Cleansing

I bought some Jojoba Oil at Trader Joe's - I'm not brave enough to go with Castor Oil yet. I rubbed a small amount of the oil on my face and deep into my pores and then took a washcloth, soaked in hot water, and placed it on my face until the washcloth turned cool (1 question - how do you breathe? I left a small opening at the bottom). Then I repeated this process about 3 more times, until I felt like the majority of the oil was gone. As time went on my waterproof mascara was dissolved by the oil. That was neat - but seriously it was! At the end I patted my face down with the damp washcloth and then a clean towel.
The immediate result was an extremely soft face. I loved that aspect of it. Did I need to moisturize? My face felt soft with a slight bit of oil left (which I probably should have steamed off one more time, but whatevs), but I think my skin probably needed to keep some of the oil. In the end I put a little Cetaphil on my forehead just in case. This seems like an unnecessary step for the future. The other concern I have is that my skin can get really red. I can see the piping hot washcloth as a problem for people with rosacea or a tendency for rosacea. This could become a problem if I made this a nightly skin care routine. This morning my skin felt cleansed and not at all oily. I was really pleased with the immediate results, and I think/hope it will only get better!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hand Soaps

Dial Classic Gold

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Q. What do you think when you hear the name, Softsoap?

This was a question that was presented to me at a focus group I participated in at work last fall. We always get emails asking things like, "Are you a working mother with kids aged 5-12?" Or, "Are you an 18-35 male that likes whiskey?" And the most recent and somewhat disturbing question we got in an email last week, "Did your infant suffer from a retrovirus?" Gross. Most of the time I can't participate, but last fall we got one that actually sparked something in me. "Are you a lover of beauty products? If so, please participate in this focus group. A gift bag will be provided. YESSSSSS.