Recently I've been trying to branch out in the form of facial moisturizers. I use moisturizer in the morning and at night because my skin feels extremely dry in the morning and I want the SPF. For night, I like to use that time to give my skin the extra moisture it needs so I don't have to deal with dry skin when I put foundation on. For the past few years, I'm a solid Cetaphil Moisturizer (ps- I hate their new packaging) at night (unless I use the Differin) and during the day I'm an Olay Complete Combination user. I like the UV protection and the smell. Anything with sunscreen is going to increase the oil production on my face, but I'm not willing to go without SPF. This is something I have had to come to terms with.

My newest daytime moisturizer purchase was Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer with SPF 15. SPF 15 suits my needs because I'm not willing to go any higher due to oiliness and the fact that it's not going to stay on all day anyway - you're just going to have to re-apply. I'm not a big Aveeno user, they were always my sister's line. However, I've been pleasantly surprised by this product. It smells nice and I can't tell a difference in the amount of grease between Olay and Aveeno. It's too early to tell if it really is "evening out my skin tone" or "reflecting light to make me look radiant". We'll see.
Another moisturizer I'm interested in is Clinique's Youth Surge. Clinique is kind of a mom-brand - even with all the new more youth-oriented advertising. I wonder at what age will I be willing/needing to splurge on more expensive moisturizers that target problems associated with aging? Clinique's Moisture Surge also looks appealing to me. Jack & Hill's blog had an interesting review. Maybe it's time to give the Cetaphil a summer break? I also just like how grown-up the jar looks. It seems more weighty.