With a recent post about Fall I started thinking about my favorite cold-weather products which I would have a difficult time living without.
Lips: Carmex. Some people love Chapstick...but I love Carmex. All I have to do is put it on at night and I'm usually set for tomorrow. It's simply the best.
Hands: My hands get crazy dry in the winter...I mean cracking and bleeding! I have found no lotion to work better than Curel Intense Therapy lotion. It just stays on there, even when you wash your hands...awesome! I get dry patches of who knows what- eczema probably- on my face and this also helps a lot...it says "gentle enough to use on the face" right on the bottle!
Feet: Okay, this doesn't really go along with the others...but my feet get really cold in the winter, I must have poor circulation. The only sock that does the trick is the Wigwam Merino sock. I mean, this is the only sock. I must admit-its not the most attractive sock out there. But its like other socks have a time limit where they start to give in to the coldness...but this sock keeps fighting to keep my feet warm. One day I actually got called out for wearing the same pair of socks everyday. I had to inform this person, no, I actually own multiple pairs of the same sock...deal wit it!
What are your cold-weather must-haves??