I was wondering, does anybody know of a nice talc-free, dry shampoo? If you haven't gotten into dry shampoo, it is a lifesaver. Well, it has been for me anyway. Especially in the winter, when the heat is on 24/7 and hair tends to get dry, dry shampoo is the way to go. I only have to wash my hair once every three days when I use this stuff. And hair is shinier and more healthy from not washing it so much. Just put some on your roots to get rid of the greasiness. If you are blonde, its especially helpful because roots tend to look a lot darker after a few days of not washing. It also seems like it saves $ and time from not having to wash and condition your hair so often.
I've been using baby powder, but I would like to try an actual product meant for this purpose. I worry a little bit about putting baby powder on my head a lot. Apparently inhaling too much baby powder can cause breathing problems. I'm not too worried because I know enough people who do this, but still. It seems a lot of dry shampoos come in spray form these days. I'm not sure if I'm down with that. But if it works, I may be! Also, I'm pretty cheap, so I'm not going to shell out for expensive brands like in the picture unless they last a long time.