Caress Tahitian Renewal body wash. After giving up on my search for PTR botanical buffing beads body wash, I decided there just has to be another summer shower gel out there that I could actually get my hands on. Now, I've purchased this body wash as a travel size for when I went on vacation somewhere in the south, and I originally thought I wasn't going to go bigger than that, but I went ahead and decided to make the commitment to the whole 12 fl. ounces anyway. The thing is, I'm using a coral-colored poof right now, and I just have this thing that the shower gel has to mesh with the poof color. I mean, I just couldn't use Dove's Cucumber & Green Tea with a purple poof, for example. Also, after doing a little research, I found out this shower gel was given out on the Tyra Banks Show! Wow! Since Tyra and I are in agreement on most things in life, how could I go wrong here? All in all, I'm happy with this purchase but it wasn't anything new and exciting.
So ironically, for my new and exciting purchase, I went for Johnson's Vanilla Oatmeal body lotion. Two scents that couldn't be further from the idea of excitement. BUT, it was New! and it stood out from the rest of the baby lotions with its more natural tones. I just thought it might be a nice light scent for after the shower that wouldn't compete with my perfumes. But looking back on this purchase, I'm feeling a little bit of buyer's remorse, only because this seems like such a fall/winter scent. Maybe I'll save it, we'll see. One thing I would like to add here, it's really annoying how you can't smell any of the baby products in the store since they always have that safety seal. So if you want to purchase anything baby-related, you have to just take a leap of faith. I've always wondered why it was OK for adult bath products to go unsealed while baby products are blocked from the world until after purchase. I suppose some things will never change, even if it is a mild source of frustration.
Strawberry-frosted Pop Tarts. I like cherry-frosted better. But I always pick cherry over strawberry for everything anyway so no surprise there. DR just didn't have them, so I went with these. This will be an exciting new addition to my breakfast routine this week, so I'm looking forward to it. I don't think there's much else I need to say. We've all had them, and I'm pretty sure we all like them.

Dial Daily Care Antibacterial Hand Soap with Aloe. So it's my turn to get the soap for our community bathroom, well, sort of. The weird thing is, everyone in my apartment has purchased their own hand soap. So we have 3 at our sink right now. I mean, I guess it's nice to have the backup option, but it's also just kinda funny/ridiculous. So for my personal contribution I went for the Aloe version. I bought the Melon-scented last time because I thought I remembered liking it at one point, but I was wrong. It wasn't great. So since I've been washing my hands a lot more often as of late (due to the humidity and the stickiness of the city in the summer), I had to go with something soothing/moisturizing. The scent is very boring, like a hand soap you would find in your aunt's powder room, but it will get the job done. In a soft and soothing way.

And lastly, I purchased Betty Crocker Warm Delights Fudgy Chocolate Chip Cookie because I wanted a snack for HGTV's Design Star finale. I haven't even watched any of the shows this season, but I figured I would watch the finale and then catch a marathon of the rest of the season sometime this week. But anyways, I introduced these to Susan last year and it was a big hit! It's basically like having a serving size of fresh warm cake. In NY, it seems that they only sell limited kinds, so I can't get my absolute favorite - Cinnamon Swirl Cake. But since I was feeling burned out on ice cream, I think this will be a nice change of pace for an evening snack.