Last Thursday I made a Target run before going to the beach. The results are below.
Neutrogena can be a brand people really love. Also a brand moms really love. I've never really loved their face stuff, but I do love their hand creams and sunscreen. I feel like they really do the job. Dermatologist recommended, Norewegian formula = really tough. I've always loved the regular Hand Cream because it's really thick and in the winter, it really heals dry skin. The problem is it can feel heavy on first application even though it stays on after subsequent washings. I love it, so you can imagine my delight when I discovered this new Fast Absorbing Hand Cream. I don't know how "new" it is, but this is the first time I've seen it. Anyways, it's great! Really light, and on a purely visual level - I love the lighter blue color on the bottle. The smell was the final win over for me. I really liked it, and it feels really summery to me. It's a great addition to my nightstand.

I needed some new shampoo because I'm running low on the L'Oreal pink Nutri Shine I have. Lindsey, I know you aren't as big of a fan, but I really like it because it makes my hair feel really soft. Then I ran into the new Dove shampoo lines. I'm not familiar with the Go Fresh line because I just like the original or the exfoliating soap lines. I decided to go for the Dove Shine Therapy shampoo because I was in the market for a new Shine shampoo, and they were practically out of this line. That's gotta mean it's popular right?? The only thing that put me off was the brown bottle - it doesn't scream "shine" to me. But they didn't even have the conditioner so I don't even know what I'm missing out on. I really do love the shampoo and the smell. So far it works great. I can't wait to get the conditioner to see the total results.
To end my trip I went with a Burt's Bees Lotion. I needed one, but also I had ju

Something that caught my attention as I was leaving: Softlips. I used to love this stuff in middle school. They were really thin! They smelled good! Hard to resist in 7th grade. I got a dual pack - 1 tube of vanilla, 1 tube of their new rose tint balm. There is a bronze tint as well. I'm usually not a vanilla fan, but it takes me back to middle school when Vanilla Bean was the scent everyone used. It's kind of bland, but nice. I enjoy the rose tint as a summer edition to my lip balms.
First of all, I just wanted to say that I think i got the wrong L'Oreal Nutri Shine, which is why I wasn't a fan. Is it in the light bottle or the dark? Maybe I just got a bad bottle. I gave it to Jenn. But my question on the Dove shampoo is this - is it heavy? I've always found Dove shampoos to be a bit heavy, which is why I steer clear.
The L'Oreal one I like is the light pink - it reminds me of Pepto-Bismal. Which is weird but whatevs. The Dove shampoo is light as far as I can tell - I've never really liked their shampoos either. I've only liked their conditioners.
in the past few years i've become a Neutrogena megafan. From the body scrub to the sunscreen for my face, everything works better than i'd expect at such a price. it makes me wonder how companies like Clearasil can stay in business!
and i've also found BB lotions to be a little thin. It's like putting whole milk on your skin. their shampoos also have a weird texture, like water. but everything smells so good i'm willing to overlook it.
Susan, would you say that the fast-absorbing hand cream would be a good desk lotion? I'm always looking for a fast absorber that can do the job and will also allow me to type 30 seconds later. I've been eyeing this particular lotion in duane reade when the checkout line goes all the way back into the lotion aisle. maybe next time, i'll pick it up. esp if it's summery!
also, i've always thought of soft lips as the virginia slims of the lip balm world. to me they have a similar look and feel, and although they ran rampant in the halls of our jr high too, i don't think i ever bought one. is the quality higher than a bonnie bell, in your opinion?
also, that fact that you can go to target now made me a little jealous...
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