Alright, let's spice things up a little. Most of the posts on this blog have been product accolades, inquiries, and/or exciting discoveries from the drug store aisles. Which is fantastic, but I think it's also important to warn our fellow product devotees (ok, Lindsey and Susan) about products that should be AVOIDED (all CAPS, I really mean it) at all cost. Hence, I would like to take this opportunity to warn you about Fresh Supernova Mascara.
Now, I know you're probably thinking that Fresh puts out some great products, and why should this be any different?Well. It is. It's horrible. I bought this last holiday season because it caught my eye on a Christmas display at Sephora. My initial thoughts were that it had pretty packaging and it seemed very seasonal so it must be good. Although I usually stick with Diorshow mascara, I figured, let's try something new. 'Tis the season.
After first use, it was almost impossible to apply. The mascara gets all thick in that brush to the point where it doesn't even have a recognizable shape anymore. Then, it delivers way too much product with just one swipe. I read an article once about Julia Roberts using a safety pin to separate her lashes and I thought that was really dumb/dangerous, but I found myself actually trying it! Ultimately I decided that a lash brush was safer, so I used that for the next 3 weeks until I couldn't take it anymore. I tossed it and went back to my Diorshow mascara. All in all, Fresh has many great things to offer. This one just doesn't quite make the cut.
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