Friday, June 19, 2009

Most Improved Award: Duane Reade on 91st/1st

Well, as promised, I would like to introduce one of the nicest "improved" Duane Reade's out there - the DR on 91st & 1st! Right under my building! Now I won't have to walk up the hill on a rainy day that we happen to run out of trash bags. Or a morning when I run out of toothpaste. It's great! It's just right there!

Background: When the crane came crashing down on the Electra in May 2008, the Duane Reade drugstore below my building got caught up in the destruction. So much so, that they didn't reopen until last month - a year later! I've seen housing developments go up faster. I suppose the heads of development and design decided that this Duane Reade was just going to get the make-over that several others in Manhattan have recently undergone. You know, since the old logo version of the sign was crunched anyway, they must have thought - "Hey! Perfect time to renovate!"

There are a lot of things I like about this new DR (the layout is not one of them). I like that you can buy frozen dinners and have a wide variety of snacks. The product shelves are pristine and fully stocked with even more selection than I'm used to. They also have a unique shopping carrier that I've never seen before - a basket with wheels on the bottom and an extra long handle, so you can tote it around like a small suitcase on wheels. What will they think of next?

So anyway, if you're ever in the area of 91st & 1st, swing by and check it out. I think you will be impressed.


Susan said...

the new logo is blowing my mind. did duane reade turn into a department store? the new carts sound very interesting. bigger question - is service actually better or are the empoloyees still horrible at ringing people up?

Lauren said...

I know, they've really stepped it up. The old red/blue color scheme has now given way to a soft lavender and sea foam green. The font is wispier on the name & logo, and the doors have some white circle detailing. Even the bags have changed. You wouldn't even recognize the place anymore.

But most importantly, the people working at 91st/1st Duane Reade seem to really love their job. Either that, or they get nervous because their manager is standing behind them at the checkout counter watching their every move. But they seem to really be making an effort with improving customer service. When it first opened, I was asked if I needed help finding anything twice! Crazy!

Jill said...

The Pharmacy Employees are Fantastic! I must single out CAESAR for being the Sweetest, most Helpful Man EVERY TIME I GO IN (FREQUENTLY.) Dave, the Pharmacist answered all my questions THOROUGHLY AND POLITELY.